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The holistic health ideal is being healthy, happy and whole spiritually, intuitionally, emotionally, mentally, and physically as one within a healthy social and environmental context living a healthy, wise, happy, and fulfilled life with family. We are gifted to be guided on our quest for the way of the truly good life by the pure love within each of our hearts, the Holy Spirit, ancestors, each other, arts, science, and scripture.

Life is experiential; SO, what do you want to experience?

I want love to have and to hold; a good life with family.
I want to experience a good life with family; loving and honoring GOD. 
The eternal One. 
Fear not, be strong and courageous. Don't believe the lies. May you always see the beauty. Love with a pure heart and be thankful. Be you. Be real. Be free. 
The truth of the true good news makes all of us free; hallelujah. Thank you Jesus.
Yes, words and definitions of words matter.
Everything that matters, matters. 
True shalom, true love, and true freedom.
Love, family.

Head, upper torso and upper arms

Click on the File Title to Download Now

Medical Massage, Corrective Exercise, and Breath Coaching
available by appointment. Workshops for "The Necessary Nine of Human Health"®
available starting September 9, 2021 A.D.
Contact for pricing: or text 979-229-7492
Negotiable sliding scale based on standard industry pricing.
Everyone should be able to receive the healing they want and need.


"Choose health."

Aloha and shalom ♡⚓️


May you be blessed with health.

Suggested donation for PDF: $20.00

(Anything helps, even $11.00 or $3.50)

I invite you to please read it all first and then donate if you feel called to be generous.

Venmo: Taylor-Michael-Holt

Contact for lessons:

Physical copy available at

I have decided to gift this to people waking from a dream on June 4th, 2020 while sleeping outside under the night sky and trees. One decade ago this month I faced death. I was in a 13 day medically induced coma from complications of pneumonia, ARDS, a collapsed lung and more. More of my story is in the free book download. If I would have passed, I would say, mourn for me if you loved me, carry on with love and peace in your hearts and continue to live the life you are called to live as your true self. I would say, cherish those you love, cherish the memories, and be free. I would say love and honor God. I would say pray for wisdom. I would say receive grace, give grace, receive love and give love, unite in love and live out your design. I would say continue to laugh about the good things, do your best to do your best, and remember, Christ knows the way home. TrueLOVE is the only thing worth living for; everything else is just an illusion. Just ask.


Due to the nature of today’s society with rampant fear of respiratory disease and also from every day anxiety, fear, worry and panic that is prevelant in our society; now is the time to release this absolutely powerful knowledge of health. Now is the time to learn to breathe better.


I am so blessed and thankful to be alive and healthy. I am so blessed and thankful to know who I am, whose I am, what my purpose is, who I love, and to have faith in God’s love and grace. Thank you Jesus Christ and the body of Christ.


Please, share this PDF with people so they can learn amazing healthy fundamentals of breathing from someone who loves breath and is trained and certified in the Art of Breath. Forward this and may God provide a way for this work to reach everyone who is in need of this, in Jesus name, amen. May God protect His children by the spirit and blood of Jesus Christ, amen.


I believe God provides. I believe God protects. I believe God saves. I believe God blesses. I believe God is real.


Breathing is sacred. We should all be free to breathe.


Hayah shalom. Hayah shalach. Hayah ‘asher hayah.

(I am peace. I am has sent me. I am who I am.)

Yēhowshua Yēhovah.

Yēhovah Elohim shadday ‘ahab chen shalom sheeba pala’ chokmah zak qodesh.

Salvation belongs to the LORD.

The LORD God almighty of love, grace, shalom, promises, miracles (wonders), wisdom, pure and holy.


Towdah Yēshua.

Praise God.

Thank you Jesus.


Let there be peace on earth.


Kindly and sincerely,


Taylor Michael Holt

“Choose health.”

Mark 12:29-31

Love and grace


P.S. Fear not, be strong and courageous. May you always see the beauty. Love, truly.


P.P.S. Something good happened after midnight. May you blessed with the truth of all things and the knowledge of the Lord God Almighty in the name of JAHOVAH, Jahoshua, and the Holy Spirit, amen. Thank you Jesus. Yes and amen.

"Choose health."


Suggested donation: $20.00

($10.00 and $5.00 are also greatly appreciated and help with funding future workshops)

I invite you to read it all for free and then if you feel called to give, thank you.

Venmo: Taylor-Michael-Holt

Contact for health coaching:

Physical copies of "The Necessary Nine of Human Health" applications guidebook are at

Greetings. This PDF is a summarized applications guidebook explaining "The NNoHH" and citing resources.

*A complete book coming soon Good Lord willing.* I have experienced 100% wholeness in my own being because of the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ. My testimony is for more than just myself. 

Accompanied reading "Imagine, A World Without DIS-EASE: Is It Possible?" Volume 1 by Mark S. Grenon (Documentary listed below in next section) Download here at their website:

I had this printed off and bound as a spiral bound book and am interested in the history of the medical establishment and how we have been lied to for decades by businesses, cabals, mafias, and neighbors.


Peace and Love, friends and family.


The Most Important Email of My Life

Report and resource guide for the Covid19 plandemic/scamdemic.

We are being lied to, don't believe the lies. 

Don't believe the propaganda, follow the science.

The Truth is real. Unlearn lies and stand firm in absolute Truth.

YouTube channel and vodcast. Truther. Alive. Risen. I am a child of God. 

THE Taylor Holt Experience is a video podcast that is meant to be honest, hopeful, happy and healing for your spirit, soul, mind, and body based in my personal core values of Love, Grace, Wisdom, and Honor and the God values of Truth, Love, Health, and Freedom so that you may experience Wisdom, Shalom, True LOVE, Freedom and a life of Blessings; healthfully, wisely, happily, and fulfillingly. God blesses. Aloha and shalom.

Click on "THE Taylor Holt Experience" above, search "Taylor Michael Holt" in YouTube, or type in this website:

"Coronavirus Investigation"

Prepare to unlearn lies. Seek out the information I have shared. Actually click on the individual resources and see for yourself that I am telling you the truth of what I have seen and been reeducated in. We have been lied to by covering up of truth by people who are like pharaohs who want to have power over everyone and get rich off our life. You must learn to reach peace and stillness to see with the eye that see's the truth of all things as they truly are and is then able to piece together the puzzle of life to see what all the whistleblowers are saying. Exiting the matrix of propaganda requires us to ask "Where did that thought come from and who programmed me to think that?" Zazen Yahshua HaMashiach.

"Covid Fact Sheet." Read it all.

Seriously, I wrote this very early on in April 2020 smelling the lies and being blessed to have good resources and seeing information at the right time and the right place. I knew it was freemason secret society activation and planning because I am aware of Event 201 and Agenda 2030 and Rockefeller Lockstep. These lies and tyranny are from the same people who lied about 9/11. I was eleven years old when the towers were demolitioned (WTC 1,2, and 7). I will not forget and I have forgiven in the spirit but there will be true justice in the spirit and in the physical. There are many alive today who were involved directly and caused death through terrorism. Crimes against humanity and high treason have happened and true justice must happen. I pray for true justice for all. Jesus Christ, save us. God, damn the devil to hell. Thank you Jesus. Hallelujah.

Spike Protein and Graphene Oxide Detoxification Protocol by David Wolfe

"The Necessary Nine of Human Health" (registered Trademark) Expanded version.

Not yet for publish. Rough draft for editor.


Personal Writings:

"Salty Water: My First Twenty Six Years of Wisdom; Miracles and Life Examined."
A Collection of Essays, Journal Entries, Poems, Short Stories, Quotes, and Words

Still needs to be professionally edited. This is a rough draft.

"Scattered Thoughts: Year 27"

Still needs to be professionally edited. This is a rough draft.

Real clear information about children who are unvaccinated versus those who are. Unvaccinated children get sick less often, less intensity, less auto immune and less death. In all fields of health, children with no vaccination are performing at a healthier rate. Good job organic parents. Thank you farmers, growers, and workers! (#FoodIsMedicine)

Robert F Kennedy Jr. whistleblows again and again for a living on the corruption and lies of the pharmaceutical mafias. Few have listened to him but what he says is truly absolutely worthy of everyone who wants to know the truth, even if it's not what you thought it was. Do you want to exit the mindcontrol and truly be free and know what to do. Right place, right time. Put on perfect love which binds everything into perfect harmony and covers a multitude of sins. He really goes in deep on the facts and history of the corruption, lies, bribery, propaganda, illegal activity and crimes against humanity.

Also, check out my compiled playlist "Information: Non-Conformist / For Freedom" and other playlists.




For some truther news 

I am super thankful for 

Be updated in our fight for freedom

Truth sets us free, use your voice


Remember to question everything and verify for truth.

Documentaries to watch:

(Most are on the Information...For Freedom playlist)

* "Out of Shadows"  (politics, media, hollywood)

* "Fall of Cabal" (politics, media, hollywood)

* "JFK to 9/11 Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick"  (politics, media, banking, 9/11)

* "9/11 Exposed"  (politics, 9/11)

*"Trace Amounts: Ethyl Mercury" (vaccines, health)

"Vaxxed" (vaccines, health, politics)

* "Zeitgiest: The Movie" (religion, politics, 9/11, banking)

* "9/11 The Road To Tyranny" (politics, 9/11)

* "Cell Phone RADIATION and 5G Dangers" (health, politics)

"Plandemic: Indoctornation" (politics, media)

"The Game Changers" (nutrition and health)

"Quantum Leap MMS" (Miracle Mineral Solution)   (health and dis-ease)

* "Rome In Bible Prophecy" (religion, prophecy)

* "We Are Literally Living Through END TIME Prophecies 2020" (religion, prophecy)

*(on my playlist Information ... For Freedom)

The Most Important Email of My Life: Jesus

Report and resource guide for the Covid19 plandemic/scamdemic.

We are being lied to, don't believe the lies. 

Don't believe the propaganda, follow the science.

The Truth is real. Unlearn lies and stand firm in absolute Truth.







Feeling confident in my search and answers of

"Who am I?" and "What is my purpose?"

I asked, "What is the purpose of life?" 

I was gifted with, "First, you must accept you have a life.

Second, what do you want to do with your life?"

Love, unity, and living out our design. I want to love and honor GOD.

(God is one, God is light, God is love, and God is Spirit, truly the way of life).

This looks and feels like divine union being connected with who I really love; doing what we really love; living a life of adventure and deep meaning, witnessing miracles, giving and receiving love and blessings; cherishing the important moments together, and saturating in those all too treasureable moments of bliss.

I believe the greatest gift of life is to find and keep True Love.

This is why I ask for happiness, fulfillment, health, and wisdom.

This is why I seek to live my best and favorite life as a child of GOD and family man.

My purpose is to wake up as many people possible to their spiritual realm and to experience it daily myself; to uplift and be uplifted. My purpose is to live my most best and most favorite life.


 Find. Define. Refine.

Stand firm or redefine.


Be you. Be free. Be real.

You are loved.

My passions include sprituality, health, truth seeking, helping others, living intentionally, celebrating life, singing, dancing, philosphy, psychology, physiology, sports, nature, history, science, and art.

I have suffered trauma, faced death, and came back to incredible health and played sports at a high level. I have experienced wholeness and peace.

Through my experience and education from those wise ones who came before us and those alive today who are furthering, deepening, expanding, and clarifying knowledge;

I have learned universal principles that all will benefit from knowing and applying.

A few are the power of love, hope, gratitude, belief and breath; which is why I thank GOD for Jesus Christ.

"theos pnuema." from John 4:24.

I love being an athlete, academic, agriculturist, artist, and adventurist.

This takes care of my physical, mental, emotional, intuitional, and spiritual realms.

I am continuing to experience a great healing of my breath, heart, soul, mind, and body.

Is not all life an adventurous art masterpiece from the One True Most High God of love, grace and wisdom? 

I believe in the power and truth of Love, Grace, Wisdom, Honor, and Peace;

which have been given to us by the creator and perfected by Jahoshua HaMashiach through Ruach HaKodesh.

(all to say, perfected by Jesus Christ of Nazareth through Holy theSpirit; aka the Holy Spirit)

All powers, life, and fruits of the Holy Spirit are perfected in the lovingspirit of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

YHWH is love, light, spirit, and a burning fire and lives within all of GOD's creation.

Hosanna elohim Emmanuel mashiach prime.

Aho om shalom

Aloha shalom

Remember to get forehead to forehead and breathe in together then bless aloha to each other

Bathtized (baptized)

There is only one way of the past; the way it was. There is only one way of the future, the way it will be. There is only one way of the present, the way it is.



Holy Ghost, Elijah, Saul, Jesus

Heart of David

All chakras aligned in the Holy Spirit of eternal salvation for the Most High God

There is so much to share. The good news is that the Holy Spirit of the Risen One who is only truth and only love can be invited into your body by request and all truth can be revealed to you there. All gifts of the Holy Spirit are perfected by the Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Lord of the Living and the Dead.

Power and Peace


True Love is found at the cross of Jesus Christ. Meditate on this.

What does it mean to praise your way into the kingdom of heaven?

Every road that leads to heaven or hell, Jesus Christ is there for all his chosen family.

Health: spiritually, intuitionally, emotionally, mentally, physically, socially, and environmentally.


In the marketplace, I am a health coach who specializes in healing touch,

meditation, breathwork, body training and plant based nutrition

filtering and using ancient wisdom and modern wisdom

with spirit, arts, science, and scripture.

However, I have a duty to fulfill my kneeling dedication to share the gospel of Jesus Christ of the Bible.

God protects, God provides, God blesses, and God saves eternally.

God eternal, within the body.

Do you know the way of the God who Hosts the Highest Heaven?

Love like Jesus Christ loves.

When you know who and what you are willing to sacrifice your life for, God rewards that heart and life, and that is where true love and freedom are found. Shalom, the peace of God that goes beyond all understanding is good soil for the seed of the Holy Spirit to be planted and grow and yield abundance.

True love binds everything into perfect harmony.

Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.

The alpha and omega means the beginning and end.

The testimony of the spirit of Jesus is prophecy.

Power, peace, and prophecy be with you for Good.


All of these things that make me, me, are also reasons why I am a child of God who 

wants to help guide and encourage you to achieve super health of your being.

See it clearly with your heart and mind.

Heart of Christ and Mind of Christ.

Your body is one of the temples for the Holy Spirit.

What and who is most important to you?

I love you family and enemies. It's easier to love the family.

Yet still, we are called to love even our enemies.

Divine peace be with us all in the spirit, love, blood, mind, and life of the Most High God of the Highest Heaven..

Psalms 23 (David). Matthew 5:8 (Jesus). Colossians 3:14-15 (Paul). John 3:16-17 (Jesus). Mark 12:29-31 (Jesus)

Do you know the way of the Nazarene Messiah?

Read More?

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