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Breath Training 101

Breath Training 101

Aloha and shalom ⚓️


May you be blessed with health.


I have decided to gift this to people waking from a dream on June 4th, 2020 while sleeping outside under the night sky and trees. One decade ago this month I faced death. I was in a 13 day medically induced coma from complications of pneumonia, ARDS, a collapsed lung and more. More of my story is in the 31 page PDF. If I would have passed, I would say, mourn for me if you loved me, carry on with love and peace in your hearts and continue to live the life you are called to live as your true self. I would say, cherish those you love, cherish the memories, and be free. I would say love and honor God. I would say pray for wisdom. I would say receive grace, give grace, receive love and give love, unite in love and live out your design. I would say continue to laugh about the good things, do your best to do your best, and remember, Christ knows the way home. TrueLOVE is the only thing worth living for; everything else is just an illusion. Just ask.


Due to the nature of today’s society with rampant fear of respiratory disease and also from every day anxiety, fear, worry and panic that is prevelant in our society; now is the time to release this absolutely powerful knowledge of health. Now is the time to learn to breathe better.


I am so blessed and thankful to be alive and healthy. I am so blessed and thankful to know who I am, whose I am, what my purpose is, who I love, and to have faith in God’s love and grace. Thank you Jesus Christ and the body of Christ.


Please, share this PDF with people so they can learn amazing healthy fundamentals of breathing from someone who loves breath and is trained and certified in the Art of Breath. Forward this and may God provide a way for this work to reach everyone who is in need of this, in Jesus name, amen. May God protect His children by the spirit and blood of Jesus Christ, amen.


I believe God provides. I believe God protects. I believe God saves. I believe God blesses. I believe God is real.


Breathing is sacred. We should all be free to breathe.


Hayah shalom. Hayah shalach. Hayah ‘asher hayah.

(I am peace. I am has sent me. I am who I am.)


Yēhowshua Yēhovah. Yēhovah Elohim shadday ‘ahab chen shalom sheeba pala’ chokmah zak qodesh.

(Salvation belongs to the LORD. The LORD God almighty of love, grace, shalom, promises, miracles, wisdom, pure, and holy.)



Towdah Yēshua.

Praise God.

Thank you Jesus.


Let there be peace on earth.


Kindly and sincerely,


Taylor Michael Holt

“Choose health.”

Mark 12:29-31

Love and love


P.S. Fear not, be strong and courageous. May you always see the beauty. Love, truly.


P.P.S. Something good happened after midnight. May you blessed with the truth of all things and the knowledge of the Lord God Almighty in the name of JAHOVAH, Jahoshua, and the Holy Spirit, amen. Thank you Jesus. Yes and amen.


If this blesses you, please send a donation, a blessing, a thank you note or spark a conversation; or all of them. Thank you for your kindness. My email is  

Mail a check, gifting, and/or pen pal letter with stamps to:     P.O. Box 3295 La Mesa, CA 91944


My venmo is @Taylor-Michael-Holt : it’s a picture of me with a beard, beanie, and a smile.

My paypal is I’m wearing a green hat, jean shirt and a smile.

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